hopscotch (2024)
recent paintings (2022-2023)
clepsydra (2021)
fall (2021)
grieving angels (2020-2021)
moons (2020-2021)
Kairos (2020)
legal tender / i am one who (2020)
Battle of Algiers (2019)
When to call home (2019)
after Goya (2018-2019)
glitches (2019)
strikes (2018)
A Month Ago (2017)
Kate Liebman
hopscotch (2024)
recent paintings (2022-2023)
clepsydra (2021)
fall (2021)
grieving angels (2020-2021)
moons (2020-2021)
Kairos (2020)
legal tender / i am one who (2020)
Battle of Algiers (2019)
When to call home (2019)
after Goya (2018-2019)
glitches (2019)
strikes (2018)
A Month Ago (2017)